SCA Roasting
精品咖啡協會文憑課程 – 咖啡烘焙
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Learn about the roasting process, including roast cycle, roast levels, identifying defects, the physical changes that beans undergo during the roasting process, as well as workspace management and lean production.
Class Time Schedule 時間表
SCA咖啡烘焙師 (初級) SCA Roasting Foundation ($2600)
- Class RF0208 – 2025年02月08日 (星期六) 班上堂 (11:00am-6:00pm)
- Class RF0115 – 2025年01月15, 17日 (星期三, 五) 班上堂 (7:00pm-10:00pm)
- Class RF0121 – 2025年01月21, 23日 (星期二, 四) 班上堂 (7:00pm-10:00pm)
- Class RF0412 – 2025年04月12日 (星期六) 班上堂 (11:00am-6:00pm)
SCA咖啡烘焙師(中級) SCA Roasting Intermediate ($13,500)
- Class RI0504 – 2024年05月04, 11日(星期六) 班上堂 (11:00pm-6:00pm)
SCA咖啡烘焙師(初級 + 中級) SCA Roasting Foundation + Intermediate ($15,300)
SCA咖啡烘焙師(專業級) SCA Roasting Professional ($16,000)
- Class RP1211 – 2023年12月11, 18, 25日(星期四) 班上堂 (10am-6pm)
- 咖啡(專業級)上課時間,可按學員自定時間上課,詳情請聯絡我們安排。
The Foundation level gives a basic understanding of the roasting process, including the roast cycle and how to control sensory aspects of the coffee by roasting light or dark; The Foundation level requires no previous experience.
本課程內容包括: | Course Content Includes: * Learn key factors regarding heating control for coffee roasting * Understand crucial elements of the roast cycle * Process logging during the cycle * Control sensory aspects of light or dark coffee roasting |
Starting Date:
Location: CityPro workshop
Price: $2600/head
Class Size: 2-6 person
Length: Totally 5 hours (including exams)
The Intermediate level builds on the basics covered in Foundation and covers roast defects, the physical changes that beans undergo during the roasting process, as well as workspace management and lean production.
Course Content Includes: * Gain a more elaborate understanding of the roasting process and how different kinds of heat transfer is at play. * Learn how different roast profiles vary sensory expression for the same coffee even at the same roast degree. * Understand roast defects and how to avoid them, and learn about the basic physical changes that the beans undergo during the roasting process. * Develop your skills in workspace management and lean production |
學額 :2人開班 - 6人額滿(小班教授)
上課地點 : CityPro 九龍灣常悅道20號環球工商大廈10樓09室(九龍灣港鐵站A出口)
查詢電話 :(+852)2337 5300
Professional gives you the skills and knowledge needed as a manager to plan and execute quality control, create a product range to meet different preferences, calculate production costs and ensure efficient production. Roasting module covers roast defects, the physical changes that beans undergo during the roasting process, as well as workspace management and lean production.
Advanced skills in profile development and the sensory evaluation of different profiles are tested at this level. Knowledge of the fundamental chemistry of coffee is tested as well as the chemical reactions occurring during coffee roasting.
Course Outline:
* Gain a deeper understanding of heat, heat transfer and a more specific understanding of the physical, chemical and sensorial aspects of green and roasted coffee.
* Learn about more subtle aspects of profile roasting and how the different parts of the roasting cycle affects physical and chemical aspects of the coffee.
* Develop the required knowledge and skills as a manager to plan and execute quality control, create a product range to meet different customer segment preferences, calculate production costs, and to plan and execute lean production.
Starting Date:
Location: CityPro workshop
Price: $16000/head
Class Size: 2-6 person
Length: Totally 17 hours (including exams)
*(Will issued SCA Certificate if the Exams PASSED 如所有考試合格,將獲頒發 SCA 的合格證書)